Club Car continues to be our partner in finding ways to increase the tournament’s charitable impact. They continue to sponsor the Sweepstakes Fore Charity program, donating a Club Car Onward, to the winner. Sweepstakes Fore Charity participants will receive a chance to win a Club Car Onward, as well as the opportunity to win a VIP experience to the tournament’s second annual Club Car Concert on the Range. The initiative has raised more than $77,000 for the tournament’s charity partners since its introduction in 2021.
The Club Car Championship hosts a two-course charity event at the The Landings Golf & Athletic Club’s Marshwood and Magnolia courses for Enmarket, one of the tournament’s proud partners. The 2024 Enmarket Charity Classic will benefit Make-A-Wish Georgia and the Two Hundred Club of the Coastal Empire. Since it’s inception in 2020, the Enmarket Charity Classic has raised more than $1,000,000 for charity.

Brightside Child & Family Advocacy
Since 1991, Brightside Child & Family Advocacy has recruited, trained, and appointed volunteers to advocate for children who have experienced abuse or neglect. Their best-interest advocacy helps ensure that children are safe, have a permanent home, and have the opportunity to thrive.
Brightside Child & Family Advocacy volunteers are appointed by Chatham County Juvenile Court judges to advocate for children’s best interests. They stay with each case until it is closed and the child is in a safe, permanent home. Brightside Child & Family Advocacy serves children from birth through 21 years old.
Club Car Championship at The Landings Golf & Athletic Club continues to work with Brightside Child & Family Advocacy, who collects the proceeds from the tournament’s public parking lot.
EmployAbility’s mission is to empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to live full, meaningful lives. With a proven track record in Supported Employment, EmployAbility prepares people with IDD for the workforce – identifying job prospects, preparing for interviews, and providing job coaching to ensure success.
Employability also connects adults with ISS to daily volunteer opportunities and enrichment activities to become more confident, valued, and engaged in the community.
Folds of Honor
Folds of Honor is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization what provides educational scholarships to the spouses and children of military members who have fallen or been disabled while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Since its inception in 2007, Folds of Honor has awarded over 51,000 scholarships totaling over $240 million in all 50 states. All Saturday General Admission ticket sales benefit Folds of Honor.
Girls on the Run: Coastal Georgia and Lowcountry
Girls on the Run offers programs designed to inspire girls of all abilities to recognize and embrace their inner strength and make meaningful connections with others.
Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional, and physical skills while encouraging healthy habits for life. Proceeds from the tournament’s Hush Y’all Paddles benefit Girls on the Run: Coastal Georgia and Lowcountry.
Kids Cafe Program – Feeding America
Kids Cafes are after-school programs that give free meals to kids after school, on the weekends, and during the summer. Additionally, they provide fun activities and tutoring hosted through Boys and Girls Clubs, churches, libraries, and schools in the local area. All proceeds from the Outrun Hunger Fore Kids Cafe 5K sponsored by the Larsen Family benefit the Kids Cafe Program.
Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Services
The mission of Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Shelter is to provide services to at-risk youth and their families, increase their functional level and reunify whenever possible. The organization has two facilities in Savannah, Georgia and have served over 6,500 teens since 1984. Park Place Outreach provides a safe, secure and loving temporary home for teens who are experiencing homelessness, have runaway, or are victims on abuse as well as for youth in DFCS and DJJ custody as a preferable alternative to foster care or detention.
The Club Car Championship at The Landings Golf & Athletic Club donates to Park Place Outreach Youth Emergency Services through the PGA TOUR’s Charity Challenge, a season-long fantasy golf competition.
The Landings Military Family Relief Fund
Established in 2007, The Landings Military Relief Fund provides rapid financial assistance for military families to alleviate burdens during emergencies. The grant focuses on the needs that often fall outside of existing military resources.
The Club Car Championship at The Landings Golf & Athletic Club continued their relationship with the Military Family Relief Fund, headlined by the continuing Red, White & Birdies program presented by Sound View Wealth Advisors.
Landings Landlovers
Since 1974, the Landlovers Foundation has distributed over $1.8 million to the community through grants to a wide variety of non-profit and service organizations, academic scholarships to Landings Association and Landings Company employees and their immediate families, and Community Service Merit Awards to high school seniors.
First Tee Savannah
First Tee exists to enable Savannah-area youth to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with life skills curriculum, they create learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience that they will carry to everything they do.
The Club Car Championship at The Landings Golf & Athletic Club is involved on the First Tee of Savannah’s Board year round in addition to tournament week charitable support. The tournament hosts a First Tee Career Day on Monday of tournament week. The 2024 event welcomed 35 kids for the day to learn about the golf industry, participate in a cookie decorating session with the club’s chef, assist in golf tournament landscaping and more.